The story of Tanya Knight, myself, and some of what I do

Tanya Knight

Rising from a past of poor and bad grades through high school and an attitude of self-defeat, the young lady has since gone on to get a bachelor’s degree, a master’s degree and is working on a doctorate in education.

Now, the lady is ranked as one of the premier distance education specialists in the nation. She works with a variety of schools to improve student retention and coaches people to achieve their own educational goals.

All this from a Brooklyn, NY, native who was close to failing and leaving high school.

The story of Tanya Knight, myself, and some of what I do is enclosed in the following press release. In addition to the release and the information it has, I am an expert on distance communication and am available to any of your reporting staff interested interviewing an expert.

Should you need more information, please do not hesitate to contact me by way of one of the above means.

With respect

Tanya Knight

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