Ever wonder how those impossible pictures on the Internet are created? A spider the size of a house, a shark bigger than a military helicopter. A check on Snopes reveals itʼs a faked picture, but how? In a word: Photoshop
In the graphic arts and design world, people will debate the relative merits of PageMaker, InDesign, QuarkXpress and Illustrator. But there is one program that everyone agrees is a must-have for any artist who uses a computer. There is no disagreement that one software program dominates and rules everything else in that category.
Photoshop is king, queen, emperor and the entire royal court.
Adobe, the same company that makes so many other great products, debuted Photoshop in 1990. It quickly grabbed a market share and has never let go of it. Imposters and knockoffs have come and gone.
Jeremy Shuback is a Photoshop expert and takes people through a course that teaches them the Photoshop fundamentals and some tricks that are not explained in the voluminous instruction manuals.
68 “lectures” of no more than 12 minutes and most under five minutes walk you through the three major legs of Photoshop CS6 and the basics.
The three legs are:
Layers. This is step one in how those amazing pictures are made.
Selections. This is step two in turning a picture of your cat, or even Tard the Grumpy Cat into a Tokoyo-destroying monster that spits radioactive hairballs.
Color Correction. Less related to monster creation, this helps you adjust the color in pictures to make Aunt Lulabell have a real skin tone and not look like sheʼs either suffering from liver failure (yellow skin) or had a run-in with Tardʼs radioactive hairballs (red skin). Unless of course her liver is crashing or she stayed out in the sun too long.
Shuback doesnʼt go into the truly mind-boggling options and abilities Photoshop offers. The vast majority of users never need that stuff. Those who do, once they learn the basics, can self-teach themselves the rest of the program.
At a cost of $40, an order delivers more than 4 hours of information in easy to understand language and tutorials showing real-time image manipulation. The best thing about it is you can watch the same segment over and over until you get it down.
For information visit http://ude.my/c0v5g