When Should You Send out a Press Release?

When should you send out a press release? Every time you:

Create or change your company’s mission statement.

Add an app to help your customers shop in your store or get special offers.

Donate to charity.

Write a new blog.

Join a social network and ask for followers.

Release an ebook, a report or a white paper.

Comment on a current news story as an expert on the topic. (We call this news spinning and local media outlets LOVE this).

Open a business.

Reach a business milestone.

Have a webinar.

Have a seminar.

Have workshop.

Share an exciting story from a customer.

Create or participate in a national “day” for your business or industry.

Need to find the celebration for your business? Check the National Day Calendar

Sponsor or participate in some kind of event.

Have a product or service demonstration.

Film your product in the making or your service in action.

Warn about problems in the industry.

Celebrate a positive trend in your industry.

Appear on TV, radio, online, newspaper, magazine.

Have a special event.

Have a giveaway.

Disprove a myth associated with your industry.

Have a contest.

Bring in a new product or machinery.

Have a contest.

Being in a new business procedure.

Get a major new client.

Change your source for materials to a better company.

Join an association or club.

Earn a new certification.

Attend a continuing education or professional development seminar.

Host a celebrity event.

Celebrate your company’s anniversary.

Book a special speaker.

Be a special speaker.

Celebrate employee achievements.

Form an association or group for your business or your community.

Start a podcast.

Launch or redesign a website.

Create a Youtube channel.

Run a study and explain the results.

Host a lunch & learn.

Create a scholarship.

Tailor your product or service to a specific demographic.

Hire a spokesman.

Create an industry award.

Give an employee an award.

Give a customer an award.

Interview competition about common issues.

Promote an employee.

Celebrate an employee anniversary.

Celebrate an employee’s retirement.

Poll your customers.

Develop a new product.

Develop a new use for a current product.

Volunteer at a local event.

Announce your employees are volunteering in a local event.

Discuss what you gave back to the community.

Get a new trademark.

Get a patent.

Announce a copyright.

Change how your business functions.

Refine an existing product.

Explain why you started your company.

Have a customer appreciation day.

Create a customer rewards program.

Create a customer referral program.

Create a board of directors or advisory board.

Appoint someone to the board.

Explain an industry rating your company received.

Attend a trade show.

Check out some custom trade show displays to help you attract customers.

Have a booth at a trade show

Review something you saw at a trade show.

Have an open house or tour.

Go green.

Announce a stand on a current news topic.

Issue a challenge, particularly challenging others to match your support for a worthy cause.

Protest anti-business legislation.

Offer free consultations.

Give a reminder – example, change the batteries in smoke detectors when the time changes.

Begin an affiliate program.

Announce you are an affiliate of another company.

Start a petition.

Create a viral video.

Open a new location.

Celebrate an employee winning a community award or leadership position in the community.


Solve a problem.

Announce a problem and ask for solutions.

Become an exclusive representative for another company.

Hire a new employee.

Win a big contract.

Announce your availability for speaking, consulting or other work related to your business.

Acquire or merge with another company.

Raise capital.

Meet a company goal.

Announce a company goal.

Create a newsletter.

Expand your hours.

Improve employee benefits.

Mail a catalog.

Announce an ad campaign.

Get a vanity phone number for your company.

Announce a partnership with an allied company or with a company that is not related to what you do.

Accept Bitcoins.

Explain how your product or service solves problems.

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